Through green spaces, from the mountains to the sea, you meet rocky buildings exuding an austere and timeless solemnity.
The landscapes here are kept intact in a smooth and peaceful atmosphere, in which stands the monumental heritage.
Working of art sprinkles the constructions with mysterious features of old faces carved in stone, forms at the turn of the nature and the ideogram, to express an ancestral continuity between man and his origin, by the manifestation of his interiority, stylized, twisted and deformed up to abstraction.
Some structural elements become, at the same time, significant decorations, softening the edges, to create a chiaroscuro effect of flora and fauna, as a tangle of leafy and climbing limbs around trunks and branches, toward the light of grace.
They are shoots of life, at the same time, human, animal and vegetal, expressing an universal whole, by means of which the building of the community supports itself and goes up skyward.
By following some paths and streams, we find ourselves face to face with a luxuriant and religiously kept nature, so coming into contact with the involving spirituality of the Cistercian world, and again, going to the coast, you can enjoy breathtaking views.
You remain in ecstatic contemplation, almost hoping that no time elapses, so you can let the senses slowly enveloped by every surrounding element, to keep them in a condition of perfect and unchanging harmony.